Introduction to RANS equations

What is RANS

The Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS equations) for the three-dimensional incompressible viscous flow consists of the continuity equation and the momentum equations as follows:

uixi=0\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_i} = 0

ρuit+ρujuixj=pxi+xj[μ(uixj+ujxi)]+xj(ρuiuj)\rho \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial t} + \rho u_j \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j} = -\frac{\partial p}{\partial x_i} + \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} \left[ \mu \left(\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j} + \frac{\partial u_j}{\partial x_i} \right) \right] + \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} (-\rho \overline{u'_i u'_j})

where uiu_i, i=1,2 in two-dimensional flow, denotes the velocity components along x-,y-axis, respectively. pp is the pressure. rhorho is the water density. μ\mu is the dynamic viscosity of water. ρuiuj-\rho \overline{u'_i u'_j} are the Reynolds stresses or the apparent turbulent shear stress.

Turbulence Modeling

The Reynolds stresses can be solved based on the Boussinesq hypothesis using the eddy viscosity turbulence models, or be solved from the transport equation based on Reynolds stress models. In the present studies, one-equation and two-equation eddy viscosity models as well as Reynolds stress models were employed to solve the RANS equations.

In the eddy viscosity models, it is assumed that the Reynolds stresses are related to the mean velocity gradients, the turbulence kinetic energy and eddy viscosity, i.e.,

ρuiuj=μt(uixj+ujxi)23(ρk+μtuixi)δij-\rho \overline{u'_i u'_j} = \mu_t \left( \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j} + \frac{\partial u_j}{\partial x_i} \right) - \frac{2}{3}(\rho k + \mu_t \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_i}) \delta_{ij}

where μt\mu_t represents the eddy viscosity, δij\delta_{ij} is the Kronecker delta, k=12uiujk=\frac{1}{2}\overline{u'_i u'_j} is the turbulent kinetic energy that can be solved from the transport equations. The Reynolds stress tensor is linearly proportional to the mean strain rate. Note that the term uixi\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_i} equals to zero for incompressible flows.

The simple one-equation model, Spalart-Allmaras (SA) model is implemented. The SA turbulence model solves a transport equation for the modified diffusivity ν~\tilde{\nu} to determine the turbulence eddy viscosity, μt\mu_t, i.e.,

μt=ρfν1ν~\mu_t=\rho f_{\nu 1} \tilde{\nu}

where fν1f_{\nu 1} is a damping function. The transport equation for the modified diffusivity is:

t(ρν~)+(ρν~v¯)=1σν~[(μ+ρν~)ν~]+Pν~+Sν~\frac{\partial}{\partial t} (\rho \tilde{\nu}) + \nabla \cdot (\rho \tilde{\nu} \bar{v}) = \frac{1}{\sigma_{\tilde{\nu}}} \nabla \cdot [(\mu + \rho \tilde{\nu}) \nabla \tilde{\nu}] + P_{\tilde{\nu}} + S_{\tilde{\nu}}

where v¯\bar{v} is the mean velocity, σν~\sigma_{\tilde{\nu}} is a model coefficient, μ\mu is the dynamic viscosity, Pν~P_{\tilde{\nu}} is the production term and Sν~S_{\tilde{\nu}} is the source term. SA model has good convergence and robustness for specialized flows. However, the turbulence length and time scales are not well defined as they are in other two-equation models.

Two-equation models are widely used solve the RANS equations, in which both the velocity and length scale are solved using separate transport equations. The turbulence length scale is estimated from the kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. The standard kϵk-\epsilon, standard kωk-\omega and the Shear Stress Transport (SST) kωk-\omega models are investigated.

In the kϵk-\epsilon model, the turbulent eddy viscosity is calculated as:

μt=ρCμfμkT\mu_t=\rho C_{\mu}f_{\mu} kT

where CμC_{\mu} is a model coefficient, fμf_{\mu} is a damping function and TT is the turbulent time scale, which is calculated as:

T=max(Te,Ctνϵ)T = \max(T_e,C_t\sqrt{\frac{\nu}{\epsilon}})

where Te=kϵT_e=\frac{k}{\epsilon} is the large-eddy time scale, CtC_t is a model coefficient, ν\nu is the kinematic viscosity. The transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy kk and the turbulence dissipation rate ϵ\epsilon are written as:

t(ρk)+(ρkv¯)=[(μ+μtσk)k]+Pkρ(ϵϵ0)+Sk\frac{\partial}{\partial t} (\rho k) + \nabla \cdot (\rho k \bar{v}) = \nabla \cdot \left[ (\mu + \frac{\mu_t}{\sigma_k}) \nabla k \right] + P_k -\rho(\epsilon-\epsilon_0) + S_k

t(ρϵ)+(ρϵv¯)=[(μ+μtσϵ)ϵ]+1TeCϵ1PϵCϵ2f2ρ(ϵTeϵ0T0)+Sϵ\frac{\partial}{\partial t} (\rho \epsilon) + \nabla \cdot (\rho \epsilon \bar{v}) = \nabla \cdot \left[ (\mu + \frac{\mu_t}{\sigma_{\epsilon}}) \nabla \epsilon \right] + \frac{1}{T_e} C_{\epsilon 1} P_{\epsilon} - C_{\epsilon 2} f_2 \rho(\frac{\epsilon}{T_e}-\frac{\epsilon_0}{T_0}) + S_{\epsilon}

where σk\sigma_k, σϵ\sigma_{\epsilon}, Cϵ1C_{\epsilon 1} and Cϵ2C_{\epsilon 2} are model coefficients, PkP_k and PϵP_{\epsilon} are production terms, f2f_2 is a damping function, SkS_k and SϵS_{\epsilon} are source terms. In the realizable kϵk-\epsilon model, the equation for turbulence dissipation rate is modified and the coefficient CμC_{\mu} is expressed as a function of mean flow and turbulence properties instead of constant in the standard model. The effect of the mean flow distortion on turbulent dissipation is introduced to improve the performance for rotation and streamline curvature. It also improves the boundary layer under strong adverse pressure gradients or separation. The renormalization group (RNG) kϵk-\epsilon model is based on renormalization group analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations. Different constants are used in the transportation equations for the turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation. The RNG kϵk-\epsilon model leads to lower turbulence levels and generated less viscous flows.

In the kωk-\omega model, the turbulent eddy viscosity is related to the turbulence kinetic energy, kk, and the specific turbulence dissipation rate, ω\omega, which is also referred to the mean frequency of the turbulence. The turbulent eddy viscosity is calculated as:

μt=ρkT\mu_t=\rho kT

where T=αωT=\frac{\alpha^*}{\omega} is the turbulence time scale in the standard kωk-\omega model. α\alpha^* is a model coefficient. The transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy kk and the specific dissipation rate ω\omega are written as:

t(ρk)+(ρkv¯)=[(μ+σkμt)k]+Pkρβfβ(ωkω0k0)+Sk\frac{\partial}{\partial t} (\rho k) + \nabla \cdot (\rho k \bar{v}) = \nabla \cdot \left[ (\mu + \sigma_k \mu_t) \nabla k \right] + P_k -\rho \beta^*f_{\beta^*}(\omega k - \omega_0 k_0) + S_k

t(ρω)+(ρωv¯)=[(μ+σωμt)ω]+Pωρβfβ(ω2ω02)+Sk\frac{\partial}{\partial t} (\rho \omega) + \nabla \cdot (\rho \omega \bar{v}) = \nabla \cdot \left[ (\mu + \sigma_\omega \mu_t) \nabla \omega \right] + P_\omega -\rho \beta f_{\beta}(\omega^2 - \omega_0^2) + S_k

where σk\sigma_k, σω\sigma_{\omega} are model coefficients, PkP_k and PωP_{\omega} are production terms, fβf_{\beta^*} is the free-shear modification the vortex-stretching modification factor, k0k_0 and ω0\omega_0 are the ambient turbulence values that counteract turbulence decay, SkS_k and SωS_{\omega} are source terms. The kωk-\omega model predicts strong vortices and the near-wall interactions more accurately than the kϵk-\epsilon models. The limitations of the original kωk-\omega model include the over-prediction of shear stresses of adverse pressure gradient boundary layers, and the sensitivity to initial conditions and inlet boundary conditions.

For the SST kωk-\omega model, the transport equations are the same as those of the standard kωk-\omega model by setting the damped cross-diffusion derivative term as zero in the near region. In the far field, the transport equations are the same as those of the standard kϵk-\epsilon model, which can avoid the problem that the model is too sensitive to the inlet turbulence properties. Detailed formulations can be found in the work by Menter (1993). The SST kωk-\omega model introduces the transport of the turbulence shear stress and improves the prediction of the onset and the flow separation under adverse pressure gradients.

In the Reynolds stress models (RSM), the transport equations are solved for all the components of the Reynolds stress tensor and the turbulence dissipation rate, i.e.,

t(ρuiuj)+xk(ρukuiuj)=Pij+Fij+DijT+ϕijϵij\frac{\partial}{\partial t} (\rho \overline{u'_i u'_j}) + \frac{\partial}{\partial x_k} (\rho u_k \overline{u'_i u'_j} ) = P_{ij} + F_{ij} + D_{ij}^T + \phi_{ij} - \epsilon_{ij}

where PijP_{ij} is the stress production, FijF_{ij} is the rotation production, DijTD_{ij}^T is the turbulent diffusion, ϕij\phi_{ij} is the pressure strain tensor and ϵij\epsilon_{ij} is the dissipation rate tensor. The isotropic turbulent dissipation rate is solved from a transport equation analogous to the kϵk-\epsilon model with various model coefficients.

In order to resolve the viscous sublayer, two RSM models can be implemented, including the elliptic blending model (EB-RSM) and the linear pressure-strain two-layer model (LPS-RSM). EB-RSM model applies only one scalar elliptic equation instead of the original six transport equations for all stress components, which is based on the relaxation formulations of the pressure-strain tensor using a blending function. In the LPS-RSM model, the pressure-strain term ϕij\phi_{ij} comprises a slow term (also known as the return-to-isotropy term), a rapid term, and wall-reflection terms. The Reynolds stress models can predict complex flows with swirl rotation and high strain rates more accurately than eddy viscosity models.

Solve the RANS equations

The incompressible flow can be solved by the segregated solver for pressure-velocity coupling. The pressure-correction equation can be constructed from the continuity equation and the momentum equations. The SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations) algorithm is used to solve the pressure and velocity for steady and unsteady problems. The PISO (Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operators) algorithm is applied for unsteady problems. The SIMPLE algorithm is summarized as follows.

  • Set the boundary conditions.
  • Compute the velocity and pressure gradients.
  • Calculate the intermediate velocity vv^* field by solving the discretized momentum equation.
  • Compute the uncorrected mass fluxes at faces.
  • Solve the pressure correction equation, which is constructed from the continuity equation.
  • Update the pressure field with the pressure correction.
  • Correct the mass fluxes at faces.
  • Correct the cell velocities using the gradient of pressure corrections.
  • Update density due to pressure changes.
  • Advancing to next step iteration.